Professor grego na aula de Filosofia
(Programa Erasmus)
Hoje, um professor grego de Filosofia, assistiu a duas aulas minhas. Alguma informação que fui retendo:
. Lecciona em Lesbos - Model High School of Mytilene of the University of the Aegean.
. Cada professor só têm três níveis.
. Só leccionam no período da manhã.
. Não há reuniões. (no meetings...)
. A reforma é aos 67 anos ou 37 de serviço
. Recebem, no topo da carreira, cerca de 1.500 euros.
. Ensina Filosofia, História, língua Grega antiga e moderna.
. As turmas têm cerca de 20 alunos.
. Gostou das minhas aulas que caracterizou como .... "LIVE CLASSES AND A DYNAMIC TEACHER.
Welcome to our
Philosophy class.
"Philosophy speaks Greek"
François Chatelêt
The topic we are going to study is....
"The problem of the nature of moral value judgments"
Define moral judgment.
Distinguish moral (or ethical) value judgments from other value judgments.
Present the problem of the nature of moral value judgments: are they
subjective, culturally relative or objective?
Explain the response of moral subjectivism to
the problem of the nature of moral value judgments.
Explain the argument for disagreement.
Explain the value conflict argument.
Explain and discuss objections to moral subjectivism (to the argument of
disagreement and conflict of values).
Explain moral objectivism's response to the
problem of the nature of moral value judgments.
Explain the tolerance argument.
10. Explain the impartiality argument.
11. Explain and discuss objections to moral objectivism
(to the argument from tolerance and impartiality).
12. Define moral relativism.
13. Explain moral/cultural relativism's response to the
problem of the nature of moral value judgments.
14. Explain the cultural diversity argument.
15. Explain the tolerance argument.
16. Explain and discuss objections to cultural moral
relativism (the cultural diversity argument and the tolerance argument).
17. Compare and discuss moral subjectivism, cultural
relativism and moral objectivism.
18. Justify your own opinion on the problem of the
nature of moral value judgments.
19. Apply the three theories studied to the
analysis and evaluation of concrete situations.
Ø Migrants
die in the Mediterranean Sea
Google translation (sorry…..)
Nice to meet you, Ioannis!
Philosophy Teacher: Rosa
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